Nutrition Consultations
Our first consultation will involve getting to know you, your lifestyle and your individual needs. Initially, a thorough nutritional assessment will take place, where we will discuss your health, your lifestyle, and your diet. From there, we will discuss personalised dietary strategies and a treatment plan that will best support you along the way. Relevant support materials and resources will be discussed based on your individual needs.
Review consultations allow an opportunity to assess progress, continue with education, and review any dietary changes needed moving forward. The number of review consultations needed will be entirely individual and worked out together with your dietitian.
Extended Review sessions are necessary for more complex needs & conditions, including food intolerance & eating disorders. Stacey will discuss this with you at the time of your initial consultation.
Refer to booking info below for information on Medicare & Private Health rebates or NDIS funding.
*Please note price increase as of July 16 2024.
Nutrition Services
Gastrointestinal Health & Food Intolerances: IBS, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Diverticulitis, Coeliac Disease, Low FODMAP Diet, diagnosed food allergies
Diabetes: Pre-diabetes, Type 2, Gestational Diabetes
Heart Health: High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
Body Image & Chronic Dieting: Intuitive Eating Skills, Health at Every Size®, Disordered Eating patterns, Binge Eating
Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, OSFED (Other specified eating & feeding disorders) (Stacey is a Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician through ANZAED)
Sports Nutrition: Increasing muscle mass, nutrition for performance, high energy needs, supplements & food
fortification, hydration strategies, nutrition for training & events
Bone & Joint Health: Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Gout
Women's Health: Pregnancy & Fertility, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Menopause
Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety
General Health & Wellbeing: Meal Planning, Portions, Cooking, Shopping, Eating Out, Vegetarian & Vegan, High Energy High Protein diets
FAQ & Booking Info
Why choose a dietitian?
Dietitians are university qualified and trained to translate the latest scientific health and nutrition advice into practical advice. Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) must maintain their accreditation with the Dietitians Australia (DA), and undertake a minimum of 4 years training with an accredited dietetic university course. The APD credential is the only nutrition credential recognised by Medicare and most private health funds, and can be considered a public guarantee of nutrition and dietetic expertise. APDs assess nutritional needs and use Medical Nutrition Therapy to help people manage their health through food choices.
Do you do meal plans?
Well... it depends on what you classify as meal plan. If by meal plan you mean a strict daily meal structure with exact amounts of food, type and recipes eaten at exact times then its a firm NO. Quite frankly, providing a rigid structured meal plan won't do you any favours in the long term, is often unsustainable, limits the social enjoyment of food and doesn't teach you to listen to your own body or build any of your own skills around food & nutrition.
If by meal plan you mean "provide guidance around food choice, recipe ideas to try, how to plan and structure meals, how to shop & cook" then YES ! And we are much more likely to sustain these healthy habits, listen to what our bodies need when it comes to nutrition and enjoy all foods as a part of a healthy diet.
Will you put me on a "Diet"?
When some people hear the word "diet", the association is made with restriction & deprivation. My role is to tell you what you can eat, not what you can't. We all know that if we can't have something, we are likely to want it more.
Healthy eating is all about flexibility, balance and moderation rather than restriction and rules. I want you to enjoy food, rather than cut out the things you love. Sometimes the focus might be on making small changes to recipes or making "food switches" to a healthier alternative. Or just building awareness on how to eat your favourite foods more mindfully.
On the other hand, the word "diet" can be considered in a non-weight loss context to mean the intake of food. Medically, there are often very valid and necessary reasons to be on a "diet" or way of eating, such as food allergy or intolerances, or medical reasons such as coeliac disease or insulin dependent diabetes.
Do you prescribe supplements?
As a dietitian, I have a "food first" approach to nutrition.
There are a few well-proven reasons for this;
In the majority of cases we can get all our nutrition through food*
The nutritional & chemical components in food (vitamins, minerals & phytochemicals) naturally work together within our bodies to enhance nutrient absorption. When nutrients are extracted from food and put into a pill form - research shows they don't work as well.
Supplements are expensive, and are no substitute for a healthy diet.
Unless you have a diagnosed deficiency or special need for supplementation* (under medical or dietetic advice), most vitamin & mineral supplements will be ineffective provided a well balanced diet is followed.
There is always a potential risk for toxicity with supplements, especially taken in high amounts.
Of course, if there is a clinical need or nutritional deficiency then as a dietitian I can provide evidence & advice on nutritional supplements. Always check in with your medical practitioner before starting a supplement, as some supplements interact with medications.
*Some cases in which supplements may be required include pregnancy/lactation, vegetarians or vegans, women with heavy periods, the elderly, those on high energy high protein diets, those with malabsorption problems or food allergies
Booking Info
Accredited Practising Dietitians are the only nutritional professional recognised by the Australian Government and Medicare.
You do not need a referral from a GP to attend an appointment. However, if you have been given a referral through a GP (Chronic Disease Management Plan CDM or Eating Disorder Management Plan EDMP), Medicare will cover some of the costs of consultation*.
Private Health:
Health Insurance Rebates are available, where eligible. Please call your Health Insurance fund to find out if you are eligible for dietetic cover before attending.
Medicare Chronic Disease Management (CDM) and Eating Disorder Management (EDMP) Plan holders are entitled to a Medicare rebate of $60.35. Referral from a General Practitioner is required, for up to 5 sessions per year (CDM) or up to 20 sessions per year (EDMP). Full fees are to be paid at the time of consult, with Medicare rebates able to be processed at the clinic for refund into your account linked to Medicare. Consult your doctor to see if you are eligible.
NDIS Funding
Dietetic services are available with NDIS funding (self or plan managed). Please enquire based on your NDIS plan for specific fees and admin related charges.
Cancellation Policy
Failure to attend an appointment limits the available appointments for other client's and is unfair on the practitioner’s time. Cancellation may fees apply to dietetic consultations. Please contact the clinic you will be visiting for information regarding charges due to cancellation.
Group Education
Supermarket Tours
A dietitian-lead supermarket shopping tour will help you to navigate your way around a nutrition label and how to spot nutritious choices in the supermarket.
Groups numbers will be capped at 6 to allow for discussion and for participants to ask relevant questions. Participants will receive information on how to read a nutrition label, what to look out for with claims on packaging as well as a receive a comprehensive information package and food guide.
Nutrition Seminars
Tailored nutrition seminars on a number of topics to be delivered at your workplace, school, community centre or sporting club.
Stacey can discuss the nutrition education needs for your organisation and provide a quote.
Sports Nutrition Workshops
Workshops tailored to your sporting club to assist with optimizing the health & performance of players.
Topics can include Food for your Sport, Fuelling & Recovery Strategies, Hydration, Nutrition for Injury Management, and the role of Supplements in Sport.